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Pages 118-124: C etaphil G entle Skin C le a n s e r-
mass m arket retailers nationw ide; cetaphil.com .
A veeno Positively Radiant Triple B oosting Serum
— mass m arket retailers nationw ide; aveeno.com .
St. Ives M ineral M o istu rize r— mass m arket
retailers nationw ide; stives.com . B iore D etoxifying
D aily S crub— mass m arket retailers nationw ide;
biore.com . RoC R etinol C orrexion Deep W rinkle
S erum — mass m arket retailers nationw ide;
rocskincare.com . Avon A new Clinical Advanced
R etexturizing Peel— mass m arket retailers
nationw ide; avon.com .
Pages 126-133: in te rio r design— Patrick Tandy,
Helaine M oyse In te rio r Design; 225/324-9778.
Page 127: table, w o o d en bow ls— personal
belongings. G reen glass lam p, glass b o ttle ,
vagabond vintage, sim ilar item s available—
Dixon S m ith Interiors; 225/927-4261;
dixonsm ithinteriors.com .
Pages 128-129: cu t-ve lve t pillow s, “ Adan +
V icto ria ” — Beautiful Pillows and Hom e;
beautifulpillow sandhom e.com . Sofa,
#472— Beachley; 301/733-1910. A rt, Michael
C respo— A nn C onnelly Fine A rt; annconnelly.com .
Glasses used as vases, “ Richard G inori” — Rose and
Radish; roseandradish.com . Silver tra y — Dixon
S m ith Interiors (see previous). Lam ps, #C -8—
Festoni (to th e trade); festoni.com .
Pages 130-131: ch a ir fa b ric, “ Paradise
B ackground” — Q uadrille (to th e tra d e ) th rough
y o u r in te rio r designer; quadrillefabrics.com .
N ancy H arris painting, sim ilar paintings available
— Ann C onnelly Fine A rt (see previous). B utcher-
block and m a rble c o u n te rto p — Capital Stone;
225/923-2323; capitalstone.com . M a rke t bag—
Flora Belle; 225/379-3135. H and to w e l—
A nthropologie, available in stores only.
Pages 132-133: bedding, Ralph Lauren— Bed Bath
& Beyond; subject to store supply. A pplique
p illo w — Beautiful Pillows and H om e (see
previous). R attan and le ather bed, #17-250-1
“ Malacca” , M illing Road C ollection— Baker,
800/592-2437; baker.kohlerinteriors.com .
2 1 2
Pages 134-137: in te rio r design— H olley Jaakkola,
C ontainer G ardening LLC; 912/441-4824;
juhajaakkola@ yahoo.com . O rch id co n ta in e r—
Phalaenopsis orchids, Liveoak O rchids; 912/961-
7455. T h re e hanging lig h t fixtu re s, a n tique
Chinese w oven cloches, sink w in d o w valence,
linen burlap, valances, and tr im — available
th ro u g h Valerie Edens, Textile-Art-Design-Vintage;
valedens@ gm ail.com . Folding w ro u g h t-iro n
chair— The Paris M arket 8< Brocante; 912/233-1500.
Basket o f m oss, w ire planter, w ire basket hanging
on d o o r— H olley Jaakkola C ontainer G ardening
(see previous). Galvanized tu b s on w all above
sink, cu rta in tiebacks, w ire basket on w all, café
ta b le and fo ld in g chairs — S cott A ntique M arket,
3650 Jonesboro Rd., SE, Atlanta, GA; 404/361-
2 0 0 0 . Large cloche on c u p b o a rd — Love Train
Antiques, 3640 Jonesboro Rd., SE, Atlanta, GA;
4 0 4 /6 0 8 -8 0 0 0 . S te rlin g silver handled serving
piece— th ro u g h C.H. B row n; 912-236-0732. B ulletin
b o a rd — available th ro u g h 37th a t A bercorn,
912/233-0064. W ro u g h t iro n salvage on w a ll—
th ro u g h John B utler; 912/844-1320. All item s n ot
so u rce d — antique, discontinued, o r personal
Pages 138-141: C om ing S to rm iris— Schreiner’s Iris
Gardens; 800/525-2367; schreinersgardens.com .
D ouble D elight rose— Jackson
Perkins; 800/292-
4769; jacksonandperkins.com . W ayside Gardens;
800/213-0379; w aysidegardens.com . C rape m y rtle
tre e — M onrovia; 800/999-9321; m onrovia.com .
N ature Hills Nursery, 402/934-8116; naturehills.com .
M onrovia (see previous).
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